
Friday, November 15, 2013

couldn't stay away - back to blogging!

Oh bloggy universe how I have MISSED you.  So so so so much.  I missed reaching out into your plentiful universe of knowledge, guidance, and friendship.  Since last we spoke, I have been kinda busy.  We moved from New York to Arizona, I started my own podiatry practice, my husband is now a teacher, basketball coach, journalism/school newspaper instructor, and yearbook instructor, our daughter is in preschool and (nearly!) potty trained, and our 9 month old baby Jack is the apple of my eye and the comfort of my soul.

Now, my sister is engaged!  And where I was the slightly crunchy granola girl about our outdoor wedding soiree, she is the glittery glamour of everything elegant and sparkly.  I'm so excited for her and her adoring life partner...I will start sending her little, "Dear Leslie" posts with pictures and ideas that I find that remind me of her.  I'm excited to be back in the wedding scene again!

Lots to say.  I wonder if any of you are still there to hear?  I do hope so!!


  1. I'm so happy you are back! Your family is beautiful.

  2. Yay you're back. I don't think I've ever commented before but have been reading since I discovered you were getting married at Snowbowl 2 weeks after I was. Good to see you're back!

  3. I don't know if I've ever commented but I'm still reading!

  4. Randomly clicked over from a Pinterest binge and voila! glad to hear you're settled and happy in AZ.

  5. You bet I'm still here! Yay! I've missed you blogging! Love love that picture of the four of you. How things change so quickly. xo

  6. I have been lurking from APW since before we both got married. Removed your blog from my favorites after your goodbye post and just now decided to check back. Great timing - welcome back! Looking forward to some scenes from life back in AZ. I'm a New Englander but lived in Tucson for a few years, where I met my now-husband.

  7. Been checking on you! Glad you're back.

  8. Well of COURSE I'm here. :o)

  9. That picture is so gorgeous! So glad you're back and to hear all things Jes are going so well.

    And yes! We'll come to Arizona and I'll take your pictures. Heck, it's only a plane ride away ;)

  10. HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so glad you're back!!

  11. Oh my God! I only came to your blog because I knew it had a link to another blog. What a surprise!!!

    Boy, your husband wears a lot of hats at work! Clara looks like a real little girl now, instead of a baby. And look at her hair! Your Jack is growing fast too. You all look great. Can't wait to hear about life in your new practice.

  12. Yes!!!!
    So happy you are back!
    I got rid of my bog because i wanted a new start, but still follow bligs on google+
