
Friday, December 2, 2011

turning 30

Today I am 30.  The big 3-0. 

I spent the last day of my 20's scrubbed into ankle fracture cases in the OR (which was the way.)  Today, we are driving down to Pennsylvania so I can attend a podiatry conference...hahaha...and I'm psyched!  Not the typical way to ring in a new decade...but I'm OK with that.  (Plus...this place we are going is known as Christmas City, really there is no place I think I'd rather be!)

I happen to think that 30 does feel different.  Today anyway...



  1. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a fantastic day & weekend!

    Its my 30th tomorrow but im almost 32 weeks pregnant so not doing too much either, a nice afternoon tea with my husband & parents then with family on Sunday.

  2. happy birthday. you should feel proud of your accomplishments. i turned the big 3-0 in september... i couldn't tell if I was sad about it or had PPD - but have settled into it ok.

  3. I can't believe I missed your birthday! I'm just catching up on blogs and saw this post. I hope it was extremely fabulous, despite have to go to a conference. By the way... you share a birthday with my brothers, so it had to have been a great day. :)
