
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

obsession = strawberry hedgehog

via Strawberry Hedgehog
 A couple of years ago I was a proud member of the luxurious soap club of Strawberry Hedgehog.  Every month a deliciously creamy hand crafted bar of soap would arrive in my mail box...and it would literally delight my senses DAILY.  Occasionally, I would see her soap for sale at HipGreenDeals (which is no longer in business...*tear*) and would purchase obscene quantities of soap to get my fix. My personal favorite handmade soap flavors are Eucalyptus-Lime and Grapefruit-Coriander...oh...and Rose.  Oh...or Desert Rain.  Mmmmmmm.

Strawberry Hedgehog is a small, vegan, eco-friendly bath and body shop based in Phoenix, Arizona.  Their products are made from pure ingredients, (many organic according to the label on my soaps).  Their products are sold on their website, as well as in a handful of spas, boutiques, and Whole Foods Markets in Arizona.  Tracy, the Artisan behind the glorious line, hand crafts all of the products in small batches...can you even imagine how her house must smell? I know Tracy...we went to high school together...and she is simply lovely...follow her blog.  (I'm looking forward to taking her out to tea when we move back to Arizona!)
via Strawberry Hedgehog

Well friends...the point of the post...I got a package last week.  A package full of the most amazing crafted bath and body products on the planet. THE SMELL IS DIVINE.  I got two beautiful bars of handmade soap = Lavender-Vanilla soap and Blueberry-Lavender...and...a jar of chamomile comfort whipped body creme (which is inCREdible in this cold dry skin cracked winter weather.)   I have to mention that the body creme has a very very mild scent.  I wash my hands with HARSH stuff all day long between surgeries, and after seeing each poor skin is dry and cracked and red and chapped.  But not anymore.  I use her creme for one week.  Supple hands have been restored. 

I am in body product heaven right now.  And will be smelling myself constantly for the next couple months. 

I'm thinking this would be an incredible gift to give someone...a mother for mothers day, a friend for her birthday, a new mama in need of a little pampering.  


  1. I have a ridiculous amount of her product stashed all around my house! The kids love smelling the new soap bar as it appears in their bathroom, friends and family receive it for gifts and just because, and teachers will probably be getting some for valentine's! Love Love Love all of it!

  2. Moving back to Arizona, eh? Does that mean I should stop sending Washington State propaganda?

  3. looks so nice :X love all of it!

  4. I love her products. But I love your comment about moving back to Arizona even more!

  5. One of my goals/hopes for 2012 is switching to homemade soap. I will be checking out Strawberry Hedgehog, for sure - especially since it's an AZ-based business! :)
