
Friday, August 17, 2012

ikea play kitchen

Duktig Mini Kitchen from Ikea - about $100

I may be a LOT late in posting this.  Unfortunately we don't have an Ikea anywhere near it's not a store that we frequent or get to explore often.  I had a friend fill me in that cheap and sleek Ikea has a play kitchen...and it's CUTE.

For $100!  I like that it wouldn't stick out like Disneyland in our living room/kitchen area in our home.  I want to watch my little one play with her kitchen and if we ended up getting a hot pink kitchen I'm sure I wouldn't have even cared for longer than 5 minutes!  But still...

There isn't a refrigerator component, which is a slight bummer.  But this looks awesome.

1 comment:

  1. It is super cute-but beware- ikea stuff doesn't tend to hold up for long... If little Clara wants to get some time in in that kitchen- it might not look/ work so well in a year.
