
Sunday, January 27, 2013

9 more days of this belly!

taken today - 9 days left to go!!

Well that flew by.  I have 9 more days.  NINE.  Today we've been enjoying our last Sunday just the three of us (as next weekend my MOM comes to New York!)  We went out for breakfast...feasted on pancakes and fruit...played outside...finalized some baby prepping projects...colored pictures of Mickey and Pooh...and have had quite a grande little Sunday thus far.

We've settled into such a sweet little life just us three....and I feel as though I will miss the simplicity of it all.  I remember I got like this in the final days before Clara came to us.  It was almost like a mourning period...where I knew that nothing I was used to would ever be the same again...and I missed the thought of it being just Tommy and me.  Now, I am experiencing that same knot in my throat at the thought of it never again just being us three.  Strange isn't it?  Oh hormones.  Why do you mess with me so?

NINE DAYS of this belly!!  Woot woot!


  1. I LOVE that book shelf in the background.... can I ask where/how you got it?

    1. it is a built in feature in our apartment! Thank heavens it was here...I LOVE it!
