
Thursday, February 14, 2013

101 weeks + 1 week + 1 day

Jack is 1 week and 1 day old...Clara is 101 weeks old!!

Jack has been with us for one week and one day.  And what a week it was!  Clara has been with us for 101 weeks...and what an adventure it has been!  My babies.  My heart.

My mom left yesterday.  I sobbed.  No really....SOBBED all day just thinking about her departure.  My sobbing inevitably made her was ridic.  But...she had done so much to help us while she was here.  She would wake with Clara, feed her and get her going in the morning.  She'd let me nap and occupy Clara...hold baby Jack.  She'd prepare our our dishes...scrub our floors...dear Lord...what an angel.  How was I going to do this without her!?  (Mother's are so about unconditional love.)

I'm looking forward to figuring this out...this is one aspect of the balance and art of motherhood.  I get 6 whole weeks with my little loves.  Never again will I have such a span of time with them exclusively.  Now it's down to 5 weeks.  And next week, they will be going off to college.  So I will savor this crazy, hormonal, exciting, amazing, terrifying, sleep deprived adventure of mine...and just love the stuffings outta them!

PS:  Clara doesn't quite know what to think about it all...but they sure are cute together!


  1. Can you recruit any more relatives to come and stay?

    Take care of yourself and enjoy your babies! So cute!

    1. Well after a couple of days with my husband at home - I am gaining more confidence in my ability to do this! Hahaha - I was so spoiled with the help of my mom!! I can do this, I'm sure of it!

  2. You and Tommy will be're a good, capable team. What a nice boost to have your mom there for Jack's birth. I'm sure she was thrilled to be there as well. Happy days!
