
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

let's DO this birthing thing!

back when Clara was a baby

OK folks.  This is it.  Today is the day. 

I worked a half shift today and I have a couple more hours before my husband and I go check in at the hospital to begin the birthing process.  I feel motivated...and focused...and eager to meet this little guy!

But I have to admit, I am already exhausted.  Ha...and I don't even have the newborn in my arms yet. Last night, my husband and I were a little on the jittery side (well, I was anyway).   It was our LAST full night of sleep for a long time.  That reality made me nervous and a little sad at the same time (probably strange to admit that.)

Thankfully, my mother has been here since Saturday - what a BLESSING!  Being Clara's full time play companion while I tie up all sorts of loose ends at work.  And she's been preparing our dinners, washing our dishes, cleaning our house!  Oh man - I feel so spoiled and so so lucky to have her here during all of this excitement!  She is so amazing. 

I will see you on the other side of this adventure.  Please keep the health and safety of our little boy in your hearts these next couple of days!



  1. You're having a baby!!! Wishing you all the health and happiness possible. Can't wait to meet him!

  2. I'm chanting "easy birth" "easy birth" "easy birth" and "healthy baby" "healthy baby" "healthy baby".

  3. GOOOD LUCK!! Can't wait to see your baby in a few days -no pressure, ha.

  4. Good luck with it all :) I can't wait to hear of that little ones safe arrival xx

  5. You're a rock star for working the day of your delivery! I hope everything went smoothly.

  6. I bet you were great and baby is even greater!

  7. ahhh... i hope your little baby boy is wonderful...and your delivery was awesome. i can't wait to hear about it and see pictures!!

  8. Please announce your beautiful lil boy jes! We are all anxious to meet him!

  9. Man... the last time I checked in you were only a few months along. Can't believe you're married and have had baby#2. I really hope it went a little more smoothly this time. Can't wait to meet BOTH the kiddos.
