
Monday, March 4, 2013

Clara as a big sis

Our sweet girl turns TWO this week - which has me reeling.  How did that happen?  Wasn't she just a newborn yesterday?  Yes, yes she was.  Now I'm convinced that time flies even faster with children! And let's not forget Jack - who turns 1 month old this week!  Time?  Where did it go??

 I've gotten a couple emails asking how Clara's transition has been with the introduction of baby Jack into our world. Lets just say that up to this point she has been pretty oblivious to his existence. She mentions him sometimes...."Baby Jack is so sleeping!" or "Baby Jack is so crying!"  And she has begged to hold him once or twice.  But for the most part - she doesn't want much to do with him.  This will surely change. We hope.

In other news...she does go around all day singing the ABCs and Happy Birthday...which is pure adorableness.  We will celebrate her birthday with our New England family this weekend.  So excited to celebrate Clara and to introduce Jack to the family!


  1. They'll make each other happy, thay'll make each other cry, they'll make each other crazy, they'll make each other laugh...that's what siblings do.

    That first picture is so endearing and human.

  2. What Clare said.

    So cute.

  3. oh god. they are cute together. matt saw me looking at the picture....he said...remember that cute pigtail hairdo for cora. This is HUGE. Matt caring about girly hair? Good job on the cute kids.

  4. Awww so precious! <3 They grow up so fast :')

  5. Love that first pic! It's priceless. I cannot believe she's two now. Time has flown. And, the two of them are the cutest thing ever.
