
Monday, February 27, 2012

buying baby clothes

This was not Clara's funnest day - she didn't love the snow.  At all.

Baby clothes are expensive.  Well...let me take that back....really cute baby clothes tend to be really expensive.  There are certainly affordable lines for tiny tots...but they don't always wow me. (Do baby clothes need to wow me?  No.)

Sometimes I feel sad I can't dress my little one in the latest Tea collection, or Janie&Jack (ohmygod)...because those clothes are BEAUTIFUL and I'd love to see my little Clara in those fine designs....just for fun you know?  Except...if I won't spend $50 on a top for me I certainly won't spent $50 on a top for my 11 month old...who will inevitably grow out of it pronto. (Umm...I won't even spend $20 on a top for my little angel....I won't....even when I wish I could....I won't.)

I seek out steals and deals.  And my schedule doesn't allow me to do this diligently.  I don't even make it to a Target every month...and I can count on one hand the times I've been to a MALL since Clara was born (except I did get to go a couple weeks was fun...not gonna lie.)   I have found some goodies at Target, Kohls, Old Navy, babyGap, Macy's, and crazy8.

I did happen to hit a Target jackpot a few months ago weekend when I bought 10 dresses/outfits for $3 each  - HOLLA!  AND they are all cute....well...not dazzling cute....or "wind beneath my wings" cute...and not exactly full price cute...but cute none the less.  I have started to buy the "next season up a size."    I've got a little collection going so I never really have to shell out cash  I don't have to buy Clara the clothes she needs in that season at full price.

I was totally consumed with ensuring Clara had proper winter wear.  She had a puffy snow suit for 6-9 month range...and then she got one in the 12 - 18 month range...AND a puffy winter coat for days when the snowsuit would be too much.  WELL...she wore each snow suit there was virtually no snow this season....what can you do? 

Do you have any tips for buying baby clothes??  Fave shops? Coupon collections??

I tend to visit:

(If you go to these sites you have to register to be a "member" - if you type in my email address as a referral then I get "credit" or something...not sure how it works since I've never gotten any "credit" before...but it would be swell if you did!)


  1. There is nothing much cuter than a baby in a puffy snowsuit!!

    I have found that with baby items in general, cuteness and price seem to go together. Cute=pricey. Simple (as in not completely covered in cartoons and doodads that vibrate and sing and jump and whatever!) seems to equal pricey as well, which is kind of weird.

    Thanks for your visit to my blog and your sweet comment! I've been reading you here for a while, I'm kind of embarrassed that that was my first time commenting.

  2. i always see the CUTEST baby stuff while thrifting...I'd definitely check out goodwill and your local consignment shops!

  3. good clothes here for baby's really i like it,
    baby wear

  4. Unfortunately, even the cheapest baby clothes are insanely expensive, because the cost is based upon the work done rather than the amount of fabric (see also: designer swimwear!).

    My number one tip - delay buying new for as long as possible! There seems to be the time that they start wearing out their clothes before they grow out of them, and it varies from baby to baby.

    There's a great trend in the UK now for these nearly-new sales - people bring along their old baby clothes that are still in good, wearable condition, and sell them on. We have got most of Barney's clothes this way, and our circle of friends pass clothes around to each other. There are also lots of Facebook groups looking to sell/swap clothes in each area, and I have seen plenty of eBayers selling job lots of second-hand baby clothes for a great price.

    I'll confess - I grew up in a family with money, so I used to be a huge snob over such things. Not judgemental, just thinking how sad it would be to have to dress your baby in second-hand clothes. Now that I've grown up, I realise that what's sad is to spend £30 on a jumper that was only worn 3 times because the weather was too warm while he was small enough to fit into it.

  5. oooohhhh she is soooo sweeettttt:X

  6. Oh, Janie & Jack! I just went there and about died from the cuteness.

    We rarely buy clothes for our girls b/c we are fortunate enough to have lots of friends + family in the area...which equals lots of hand-me-downs. Yay. :)

    Also - have you ever attended a clothes swap? Tons of fun! I used to host them quarterly at my house.

  7. I agree with Becca. Baby clothes are really expensive like baby Gap, Old Navy, Osh Kosh etc that's why I get back to where I used to buy cheap clothes before. Actually, I am not looking for the brand/name of dress/accessories but I am after the quality I can get from it.

  8. Your baby is so adorable! Well, spending a lot of money on your baby’s clothes isn’t a wise move as he will quickly outgrow them. There are a lot of stores out there that offer affordable, yet stylish clothes for your baby but of course be sure to check it’s worth it; after all, your baby will be the one who will be wearing it. It’s best to be sure that it’s a quality product.
