
Monday, February 27, 2012

residency is rockin' my world in all the right ways

this picture was taken by one of my medical students - all of the fun stuff had to get cropped out.
So.  It turns out that I'm obsessed with the rotation I am on.  It is AMAZING.  We are doing surgeries that change lives... save lives... and give people their lives back.  I'm working at a special clinic for limb deformities where people come to from all around the world for treatment and care.  The vast majority of these patients are children, and they are an inspiration.

I jump out of bed everyday to get to work because everyday is full of crazy cases that leave me in awe of these doctors I'm working with.  THESE SURGEONS ARE PHENOMENAL*.  They are lengthening limbs and reconstructing limbs on people with deformities....and casting babies with clubfoot deformities, saving the limbs of trauma victims and are salvaging limbs of diabetics with Charcot deformities.  Miracles.  Everyday I witness these miracles.  In the OR and in the clinic.  Boggles my mind.  Makes me want to learn more, know more, study harder.   I have been selected to assist with a Van Ness procedure during my time here...Google that...Van Ness rotationplasty (in a nutshell, the foot is rotated 180 degrees and becomes a functioning knee joint!) I am beyond thrilled to take part in such a rare and brilliant procedure.  I get goosebumps thinking about it!

It's been a rough transition away from my family, but this experiences is not only making me a better doctor, and a better surgeon, I think it's really making me a better person. If I could move my fam down here for the next year and half I would...this is an extraordinary place and I will surly miss it when I am gone.

*and just so you know, when these docs aren't here busting their humps in clinic and the OR, they are on mission trips all over the globe.  *sigh* thank God for talented doctors with big hearts.


  1. That is so amazing.

    I have a nagging back problem. MRI, here I come. Can you come down here and fix it? ;)

  2. jes you are AMAZING. thank the good Lord for people like you~!

  3. I previously worked at Shriner's and they did the Van Ness. It was pretty damn incredible. I am so glad that you are enjoying your time.

  4. Wow -- so cool, Jes.

  5. Hi there. I have been reading your blog for a little while and am only now commenting! I am just coming back from Vietnam (12 days away from my 10-month old. Waaah) on a work trip -I work for a NGO- and saw a little boy with an "inward feet" who had trouble walking. His dad said he hoped someone could fix his son's foot one day. What you and the surgeons you work with do is incredible and indeed gives back life to people who thought of themselves as "disabled" before anything else. Bravo!
    Hope you are having a great weekend with your sweet girl!
