Sunday, December 9, 2012

toddler bedding options - oh there stuff is so dang rad.

Sooo...Clara is back in her crib (thank goodness).  But in need of REAL bedding...blanket, a sheet, and a pillow...not just the fitted sheet and baby blanket cover.  When we go check on her in the night she has her blanket stuffed under her head to make her own pillow...and she HATES socks and footie pajamas so her little toes can get cold if we don't go in there to put her blanket back on.

at - we considered this one for a hot minute...but yea...the next baby wouldn't use it.
Therefore...I've been browsing bedding options.  And it sucks.  Probably only because I'm conflicted...there are adorable options...but they are pricey and I know Clara won't be in the toddler bed stage for more than a year.  I fall in love with the fun designs that aren't TOO girly...but are still colorful and spunky.  It's hard...most bedding sets are either VERY girly...or VERY "manly" or VERY Disney.  I've been trying to find a gender neutral option that the next baby can use...instead of giving into the stinkin' cute girly bedding.  But there aren't lots of terribly cute, affordable, gender neutral options out there.

We thought about going the "cartoon" route...because Clara LOVES Mickey Mouse.  But I just can't do it.  And the Mickey options that are available now are kind of funny looking.  I know that the bedding is for my CHILD, not for me...and yet I can't bring myself to buy something that I think is ummm...not cute.  (I think cartoon sheets are super fun though!  Did that redeem myself?) 

at -  this is just too cute

After a weekend of browsing and comparing...I wanted to go with a girly quilt from Pottery Barn.  Ha.  Not gender neutral.  And rather expensive.  And it didn't come with sheets.  So obviously this was not a winning combination.
from - the winner!
Back to the drawing board. I ended up picking out a plaid quilt set that comes with sheets and ordered an extra set of sheets with fun camping images - a double whammy of gender neutral pieces that the next little guy will get to use too. 

AND I was so in love with the Pottery Barn quilt, I've decided to make a quilt of similar design for Clara when she transitions into a twin bed using some of the fun fabrics from her baby clothes.  I am so excited!  Of course that won't happen for a while...thank goodness I have time!! Oh my little girl grows up so fast.


  1. I was just going to suggest Overstock. I have a gorgeous modern bohemian quilt from them and everyone loves it. I still can't believe what I paid, considering the fabric and stitching are so strong and perfect.

  2. They are all cute but the first one has the practical holders on sides so it seems to be better than the rest you have shown us.

  3. Pretty cute bedding options... I agree the Target one is limited in terms of re-use :) Love the first one the best!



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