Monday, April 4, 2011

grand moms and dads

story time with grandma

My parents came to spend a few days with us and to meet their first grandchild.  It was wonderful seeing them in this new "grandparent" role!  My mom read books and sang songs to Clara for hours on end (sooooo cute!) dad cuddled and cooed with her.  They took little video clips of her crying and sleeping and bathing and being sweet.  They took tons of pictures with their cell phones and their camera.  They told us she is "exquisite" - and we agreed.

story time and song singing with Grandma tuckered this lil gal out!

They took us out for ice-cream everyday.  My mom made us yummy dinners every night, and filled our freezer with her creations so we can eat well for a few days.  She cleaned my house... let me nap everyday...and would stay up late with me while I nursed Clara.  It was like a vacation in my own home.

staring at grandpa

I cried when they realllllly cried.  As Clara is my little girl, I am my parents'.  While they were here I had such a sense of security.  Like everything is going to be ok (having a newborn is hard!).

I adore them  It's hard to live so far away.  I miss them already.


  1. I am so glad you had a wonderful visit! I get sad everytime my parents go and I have no children yet so I can only imagine how much I will miss them then!

  2. She is so beautiful. It sounds like you had such a lovely time with your parents, its always sad to see them leave, but every way will bring you closer to the next time you see them again.

  3. sounds like you had a great visit. everything IS going to be ok.

  4. I'm glad they could visit. Every new mother needs help, just so they can get enough sleep! Newborns are hard, but it gets better and better.

    Love that polka dot blanket too!

  5. I'll bet your folks were over-the-moon to meet Clara. I'm so glad that they could be there this soon - for everyone.

  6. Seriously Clara is out of control - so precious!

  7. Your mom sounds awesome - exactly like the kind of person a new mom would want to have around in those early weeks (and always)!

    P.S. "Goodnight Moon" is a favorite around here too! My girls love finding the "hidden" mouse on each page.

  8. goodnight moon is read every night (i just read it three hours ago...). love it..



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