Sunday, August 7, 2011

all alone

I was oncall this weekend (I'm oncall right now, actually...until 7am).   My typical oncall weekend is all consuming and I'm never home.  So when I was scheduled for this weekend, we arranged for Tommy and Clara to go visit family in Rhode Island.  Somehow, this weekend was super light...and was surprisingly relaxing for a 72 hour shift. 

So here I have been home, alone, for an entire weekend.  On Friday night I basically sat and twiddled my thumbs until I FINALLY got a call to the Emergency Room for something.  I didn't want to be home without my hubs and without my sweet girl.  I felt like there was this huge open space and I had no idea how to fill it.

Then Saturday came...and after I rounded on my inpatients and saw a couple consults, I went and got a haircut.  Haven't had a haircut in 7 months.  Then between calls at the hospital  I went shopping at the mall...scrubbed my floors....did some laundry.  Today between ER calls and patient rounding, I made myself a yummy meal...went to the mall again...did a powerpoint presentation (on maggot therapy!)...studied...logged my surgeries....and watched Fried Green Tomatoes on TV. 

I thought this weekend was going to be horribly lonely and I'd hate every second my family wasn't here.  Turns out, I enjoyed this weekend.  I actually forgot what it is like to be by myself.  I used to enjoy having afternoons to myself to do things around on clothes...get hair cuts...go grocery lazy on the sofa.  

That being said, I can't wait until they get home.


  1. How nice that you got some down time to just do things you feel like doing. :)

  2. Sounds like a much needed weekend! I'm a firm believer that alone time is crucial to well-being. I bet you are really excited for them to get back home, though. : )

  3. Glad you enjoyed spending some alone time. ;)



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