Thursday, December 13, 2012

today in the public bathroom...

I was waiting in line behind two little old ladies in the hospital's public restroom.  We were serenaded with the sweetest magical musical performance.    A 6 (or 7?) year old girl was in one of the stalls singing "YOU BETTER WATCH OUT, YOU BETTER NOT CRY, YOU BETTER NOT POUT I'M TELLING YOU WHY...SANTA CLAUSE IS COMING TO TOOOOWWWWWN!"

The two ladies and I were smiling from ear to ear and bobbing our heads to the festive tune!  I am pretty sure we all would have joined the little kiddo in her rendition if we could have ensured it would not have alarmed her.  Her voice was so clear...just like a little kid...sounded so nice.

She came out smiling and skipped over to the sink.

It so totally made my day.

It's the most wonderful time of the year, fo sho. 



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