Wednesday, February 17, 2010

wedding wish wednesday: #26 mental prep

I don't think I've ever explained our schedule of events. Let me enlighten you:

May 1 - my last day of med school (oh.hell.yes....10 years has been enough thankyou.)
May 26th - Tommy's last day at the high school (sad face...he loooooves it there)
May 26 -29th - Tommy's bachelor party in Vegas (woot!)
May 30th - Wedding in Flagstaff!
June 4th - Graduation in Phoenix (become a doctor!)
June 6th - our lil honeymoon!
June 11th-17th - move to the northeast for residency (drive...3000 miles)
June 18th - get an a bed...and chair or two...maybe a desk?*
June 23rd - residency begins (holy crap...)


With all the commotion of the wedding and graduation I need to mentally prepare for actually moving. For leaving the home...and my family. Whew. It's obviously a bittersweet time. I'm beyond excited about the adventure that our new home will bring...but I also feel sad to leave. My parents, sisters, friends...our lovely condo in midtown Phoenix...wearing flip flops daily.

We will be starting over. Completely over.

Side by side.

I'm pretty excited.

*I've mentioned before that we will be packing whatever can fit in our lil cars (maybe one car??) appliances...only clothes and books (and wedding gifts!?) So when we finally arrive, we'll be moving into a space with ZERO furniture...not a bed to sleep on, a table to eat from, or a chair to even sit in. I am really counting on Craigslist.


  1. Wow - that is a lot going on - it's a good thing you are so far along with your wedding planning. Our wedding is the day before your wedding and I feel like our schedule looks a bit like that as well - although I'm not going to be starting a residency (mad props to you)!

  2. Woah, and I thought that I had it rough because I finish school for the year in May, leaving only a month entirely devoted to wedding planning. That's quite the list you've got there. Congrats on being an almost graduate though!

  3. wow! For some reason this post reminded me about when we moved into our second house we had a garage door opener and I sorta felt like "an adult" -- something about having a garage ment I had *made it*. You are moving to your *big girl adult* life. It will be an adventure. Congrats on graduting!

  4. you can do it!
    I'm graduating...getting married and moving to somewhere totally new all in one summer as well.
    we will be in it together! ;-)

  5. Sounds as if it's going to be a whirlwind!
    I wouldn't worry about the furniture too much. As long as you're going to a pretty populated area you should be able to find decent furniture. And there is always thrift shops. I learned those things the hard way the first few months I lived in ND because I had no furniture and it was hard. I wish I had realized that DUH there are thrift shops everywhere! lol.
    Best of luck!

  6. Where in the northeast? Are you coming to Philly?!

  7. i have to say, as someone who got married during surgical residency. you'll be happy you were able to do it before, time gets even tighter if you can believe it. my question is how do you already know where you matched? isn't match day sometime in march? i am a general surgery resident in seattle, so i remember the match day from a few years ago.

  8. and oh yeah, i moved to seattle with only what i could carry in 3 checked pieces of luggage that i took on the airplane to move out here from new york and six boxes of books that i shipped via the post office. it was a great feeling having so few material things weighing me down...but yes scary..

  9. @ Sarah: ohmygod...I'm doing my general surgery rotation right now and I hate my life. I'm glad that there are people out there (like you!) who put so much into your training to save lives...because this life is CA-RAZY.

    ps: the program told me...shhhhhhh.

  10. Looks like the perfect schedule to me, mine is a little similar, but it all depends on if I will be graduating this year :)



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