Saturday, April 3, 2010

love words weekend

One of the more lovely weddings I've seen in awhile...simply divine...via Green Wedding Shoes

In this my green world
Flowers birds are hands
They hold me
I am loved all day

All this pleases me

I am amused
I have to laugh from crying
Trees mountains are arms
I am loved all day

Children grass are tears

I cry
I am loved all day
Pompous makes me laugh
I am amused often enough
In this
My beautiful green world

There's love all day.

- Kenneth Patchen


  1. Thats my favorite wedding right now too!! I absolutely love the style, the surroundings, and how cool and un-fussy everything is. I love to see people keeping true to who they are in their wedding, I hope to do so myself, starting with wearing my hair down ~ I rarely put it up, why should i do so on my wedding day?

  2. Seriously sweet! This is also one of my favorite weddings I've seen recently! Hope you had a lovely weekend & Easter! xo



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