Sunday, August 29, 2010

the wedding keeps on coming!

Whereas this past week as been a personal nightmare for me at the hospital (the longest days I've ever consecutavly worked in my LIFE!) we did get a couple goodies in the mail.  We waited until Sunday, when I finally had a day off (after 16 days of sometimes 14+ hours per day!) to open our little bundles.


Not only did we get our prints from One Love, but we got our wedding video from Ben Cornelious!

Now - I've properly framed over a dozen wedding photos in our little one bedroom apartment.  Basically every where you look you'll see images of our beautiful day. A picture of my sisters giving a speech over there, dancing with my dad over here, then the one of Tommy and his fellas, and loads of Tommy and I just busy being in love on our wedding day.  *sigh*

And we finally got to watch the full wedding video - and I watched it twice - and I cried - both times - because it is our day... and it's all there.  All of it.  All of the smiles, and tears, and twirls on the dance floor.  All of the laughs and speeches and high fives.  Even my psuedo-grinding moves that I apparently busted out. It brought alllllll of that magic back for us...made it real again...put me in that place where I said 'I do' and I felt it all again.

Isn't that wonderful?  Three months after the wedding we can still celebrate the joy of that day?

It's been a great day off.

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