Thursday, November 25, 2010

thankful for...

This is me very very tired...long medicine days wear me out.  I need to start taking these baby bump pictures in the morning when I'm fresh-faced instead of 10pm at night when I stumble home ready to pass out!

This Thanksgiving is very blessings have never been so full.  I'm married, blissfully, to the most wonderful man I know...who loves me with his whole being.  I'm carrying my first child, a daughter.  Motherhood was a dream I've wished for forever, and I am so happy to be experiencing this.  Also, after 10 years of a grinding education, I'm actually a doctor and have my first "real" job.   My personal and professional dreams are coming's amazing.

I'm thankful.  For it all.

Happy Thanksgiving to you - I hope you realize how full your blessings are too.


  1. So cute. What awesome things to be thankful for! Have a lovely thanksgiving with your guy and your teeny baby bump xx

  2. Love the picture !!! So many things to be thankful for...that is fantastic.
    Have a great Thanksgiving.


  3. You've had a very FULL year indeed...and the good news is that the BEST is yet to be! :)



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