Monday, December 27, 2010

away we go

Christmas Day - 28 weeks (finally a family picture with Tommy!!!)

Spent a fab Christmas holiday weekend with Tommy's family in New England.  So many treats were were opened and squealed over...merry tunes were sung...and laughter was shared.  It's no surprise Christmas is my favorite holiday...there is so much infectious joy!!! 

I'm sad the weekend is over...really really sad. 

I've decided that Christmas time is the BEST time to be pregnant.  I never felt guilty about going back for seconds...never.  And all my clothes are stretchy in the mid-section which is most convenient.  Plus, the lil one keeps me nice and warm. 

When we got home today (after quite a battle with crazy snow traffic!) we sat and watched my new dvd, Away We Go - one of my favorite movies (it's even more enjoyable now that I'm pregnant!).  It's turning out to be a great end to a perfect weekend.  I hope your Christmas was nothing short of delightful!! 

(I'll worry about unpacking, and studying, and blogging "real" posts tomorrow.)


  1. Cute dress! We got snowed in Christmas Day and even today. We could not get to the Christmas celebration we were supposed to go to!

    Tomorrow will hit 40 degrees and we will be released from prison. Oh, it's a beautiful snowy prison though.



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