Tuesday, September 20, 2011

hand me down baby clothes

When Clara was an itty bitty lil thing, two of my best friends drove allllll the way from Massachusetts to meet her.  I love my friends.  Anyway...one of these friends has a little baby girl of her own, Shiloh, and ended up gifting Clara a bag full of Shiloh's outgrown baby gear.

What a freaking God sent this was.  Getting a huge handful of used baby clothes went a long way with keeping our little one clothed.  Babies go through a LOT of clothes.  With drool, puke and diaper leaks, little Clara would sometimes go through 5 or 6 outfits a day!  (Now that she's a tad older, this is not the case...thank goodness.)


Now I've started my own "hand me down" packages.  I've had so many friends have baby girls or are expecting baby girls recently!  I find myself sending care packages of clothes to them too....with their gift tucked snug inside.  I currently have a huge bag of clothes to donate to the flood victims in our community, too.  I am still holding on to a few of my favorite things from each "stage" of Clara's size...things I just cannot part with.  Yet.

I've decided hand me down baby clothes are pretty much the best invention ever.


  1. They are the best. 90% of our girl's clothes are hand me downs. Love them.

  2. I couldn't agree more! We are so lucky that Barnaby's cousin is exactly 362 days older than him - not only are his hand-me-downs gorgeous, but they're perfectly weather-appropriate.

  3. Love her faces! Oh my goodness she is a sweetie!

  4. Agreed! Jillian is loving her pretty, "new" outfits

  5. Recycling at its best! My kids lived in hand-me-downs and thrift store finds. When they were switching sizes ever 3-6 months, I couldn't stand the idea of buying all new clothes and junking the old!

    Now that they are a little older (and wear uniforms to school), the hand-me-downs coming into the house have slowed, but we still share with friends.

  6. Agree! Thank you tons missy I loved them.

    And I have decided to take some extra clothes down to the orphanage in San Luis Mexico where a friend just adopted a baby girl :)

  7. What about if you have a second child?
    I would save a lot :) (maybe not everything...)



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