Wednesday, May 6, 2009

my hair chop

I think perhaps I mentioned that I used to have wicked long curly blondish hair? I chopped it allll off this past October and just recently am I able to wear it in a ponytail. I loved it super short and was really cute. It's sortof in that awkward stage right now where it's not defined with a cute's shoulderish length. When I see pictures like this, it makes me wish I could instantly have my long locks again. I wonder how long it can get by next May??


  1. I'm back! Thanks for the well wishes for myself and my computer. =]
    Can I just say I am completly jealous that you have curly hair? My hair will not hold a curl for anything!
    Oh, and I set a date!!!

  2. i did the short sassy thing in college, now i am getting back to my hippie roots and growing my hair out again...partially because haircuts in nyc are so darn expensive ;-) and my hair won't hold a curl either!!

  3. If you want to shape up your style without losing much length I know Green With Envy in Scottsdale could hook you up. They are phenomenal! Keeping up with trims will keep it healthy and looking fab when it does get longer by avoiding split ends and breakage. If you aren't already taking a multivitamin consider taking prenatal vitamins, they seemed to really help my hair grow before my wedding. Ok.. all done with unsolicited suggestions ;c)

  4. it is so good that you have time to grow your hair out! I chopped mine off right before we got engaged and I don't think it will be long enough for the wedding!
    And yes, I agree with Miss Adventure, jealous that you have curly hair!

  5. That lady does have GORGEOUS hair! It's so "flowy" and romantic looking...perfect for a wedding.



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