Thursday, February 4, 2010

b*tching and bragging

Both things are totally unrelated to wedding news...reader beware.

I'm doing a particularly tough rotation right now - at a hospital that will not be disclosed (obvs.). And it is awful. I got b*tched at by the chief resident today. Never my favorite thing. Especially in front of other students. I hate it here...and it takes a LOT for me to hate something. But this is right up there. (I might even just hate her too.)

Bragging: (best for last)
I received a phone call today telling me that I am OFFICIALLY ranked at the top of my #1 choice surgical residency program! I was doing cartwheels in my heart all day long. *sigh* I'm so relieved...and excited. NEW YORK HERE WE COME!!


  1. So sorry it's a tough rotation... :-( Hard to stay positive when things like that happen, but this situation is not forever, right? So, I hope it all passes soon! And congrats on the residency program! Yay!

  2. Hang in there! Keep NY in the back of your mind... it'll help you keep a smile on your face!

  3. Sorry about the b*tching part but the bragging part is great! Congrats!

  4. You seem so easy going that it must be a pretty crappy situation if you're hating it. Sounds like that good news came at the perfect time though hu? Just keep telling yourself that it will all be over soon enough and that you'll be doing exactly what you want soon enough. (not to mention marrying the love of your life ;)

  5. Yay! How great is your news! Sorry about your bad rotation!!!! But look how bright the future looks!

  6. wait does that mean you are you moving to new york after the wedding??

  7. Yeah! I am envious of your potential move to new york. go you!

  8. Sarah Ann took the words right out of my mouth. There are always those few that make life harder than it needs to be. Thank goodness you don't have to stay there.

  9. Sorry about the bad day, but yay! for the good part!

  10. New York! Fun! It seems like just the city for your super cool self. :)



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