Saturday, January 1, 2011

year in review

I don't know if I actually LIKE the idea of analyzing my life in sits funny with me.  There were so many things to celebrate...but writing a list of these things somehow doesn't quite add up the magnitude of their importance or quench the full excitement of the events.

Except, I'm a list maker...and 2010 was a dozy of a year for me.  Maybe it will help me create a lil list of Resolutions for 2011.  I'm limiting myself to 5 new resolutions...5 sounds like an honest, achievable, "I can do it" number. [ohmygosh, there are fireworks going off outside my window RIGHT NOW!!]

In order of occurrence...
- drove across the country from Rhode Island to Arizona (this was my fifth time!)
- two words = New Orleans!!!
- moved to Tucson
- had a lovely bridal shower
- my blog turned "1"
- got in a horrible car accident - and my car was history
- took my boards - and they sucked
- got accepted to my first choice residency program
- moved back to Phoenix
- partied like a bad ass at my bachelorette party in Vegas
- bought a Subaru
- married my best friend, on a mountaintop, in Flagstaff
- graduated medical school
- honeymooned in San Francisco

- packed up our cars and moved to upstate New York
- started my podiatric surgical residency program
- bought our first piece of "real" furniture ( my book this was a big deal.)
- found out we were expecting a lil baby girl!
- went apple picking
- mini vacay in New Hampshire
- had our first Thanksgiving (just the two of us)

- went back to my natural hair color
- decorated our first Christmas tree
- finished the quilt for my hubs
- bought a grown-up camera for Christmas
- survived the first 6 months of residency

Pretty good for a busy year.  Not exactly a jet-setting, all excitement all the time kinda year - but it was my favorite year to date!  So many many adventures and new experiences.  I love that every year is my favorite year.  2011 is bound to be beyond fantastic.

*note:  I'm oncall this weekend...not awesome.   No glitter throwing or champagne swigging for me (umm...well...obviously.)  I'm probably in the ER suturing up some idiot who stepped on a beer bottle.  Or shot himself in the foot.  Or both. 


  1. i know its hard to sum up everything in a single post...but I have to say that you are absolutely inspiring!

    Hope new years eve at the hospital wasn't too bad! (my hubby had to work too...fortunately he was home an hour before I got my kiss!)

  2. I thought we had a jam packed year with lots of milestones but yours takes the cake! I'm glad I've been here to follow it. Your 2011 and going to bring even more joy with the little one on the way.



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